
Rouwen Kramer 866 941 Gold Child

Rouwen Kramer

In the merger with Castella Nova, I now have the opportunity to focus more on my core competencies, while the Castella team supports me in strategic decisions.

Martin Kiene 906 1024 Gold Child

Martin Kiene

Thanks to the versatile services of Castella Nova, I can focus on my essential tasks as an entrepreneur.

Dr. Kai Hudetz 1024 1024 Gold Child

Dr. Kai Hudetz

True to Winston Churchill's motto "never waiste a good crisis", great opportunities arise for succession solutions, especially in times of crisis. Castella Nova offers the professional environment and the necessary network for this, which I am happy to expand as a member of the Supervisory Board with our clear customer focus and my own network - for sustainably successful company development.

Alexander Klein 1024 1024 Gold Child

Alexander Klein

With Castella Nova, existing and newly founded companies will find a medium-sized, agile association with a wealth of experience in various industries that can map the advantages of the entire value chain and draw on a large pool of experts and partners.

Christian W. Jennes 1024 1024 Gold Child

Christian W. Jennes

Castella Nova stands for best practice - also in corporate governance.

Achim Himmelreich 1024 1007 Gold Child

Achim Himmelreich

Company succession should be designed more professionally beyond the immediate network in the future.
Castella Nova and its network fill a gap here to enable existing companies to have a sustainably successful future.